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You've sampled our stock products and created a pre-production sample of your own.  Now you're ready to move forward with the actual production run. We're as excited as you are!  It's fun for us to receive your packaging and admire the vision you have for your product.  We look forward to being a part of this process with you.  ​


There is a formal procedure, which we outline below.  


Request for Quote

Complete a Request for Quote document (for new products), if you have not done so already. 


Purchase Order

Complete the Purchase Order as well as the Conditions and Agreement document in order to submit your order and agree to our terms.   



An invoice will be created by the Proliferate team within 1-3 business days of your PO.  


Down Payment

A down-payment of 50% is required for all orders over $500 to put your order in our production queue.


Packaging ETA

You will also need to let us know the ETA for your packaging components.  We won't know when to schedule your production if we don't know when the packaging will arrive!  Or if you're storing packaging at our warehouse, we will make sure there is enough on hand to complete your PO, or notify you otherwise.  Please see our full list of POLICIES


Production Schedule

Once we have a down-payment and are aware of the ETA for your packaging and supplies, we will schedule a production date. While we wait, Proliferate will purchase raw materials (if needed) to complete your order.  If at any time, we experience delays with ingredients - we will let you know.  Similarly, if your packaging ETA needs to be adjusted, please let us know as soon as possible. 


Bulk Production

Proliferate will produce the “bulk” product. The client may request to have a sample of the bulk shipped to them directly, in order to evaluate the scent/colour/texture, which may vary slightly from batch to batch due to the properties of natural agricultural ingredients.  Proliferate will not be responsible for these variances (see the Conditions and Agreement document), so if there are concerns, it is best to evaluate this PRIOR to filling into packaging. Please make note of this request at the time of your purchase order so we can incorporate this into your lead times. 



At this time, a sample of the bulk base will be sent away for micro-testing (unless waived by the client by signing the testing opt-out form).  Review our COSMETIC TESTING information page. It typically takes 2-3 weeks to receive results.  For clients who request a bulk sample, please note that samples will only be sent for testing AFTER the client has approved the sample.



Once favourable micro-test results are received, and the client approves the sample (optional) bulk product can be filled into packaging. 



When production is complete, the client will be notified to pay the remaining 50% prior to shipping. 


A note about lead times: 

Depending on the raw material supply, lead times (for both pre-production samples and bulk production) will vary. Some raw materials can take up to 8 weeks to arrive at our facility, and lately there have been significant delays in receiving packaging components. Ordering packaging 12 months in advance seems to be necessary due to the current global situation.


Once we receive your 50% down-payment and the ETA of your packaging components, we will evaluate the lead time and send you a production schedule. 


If you store packaging in our warehouse, we will let you know within 2-3 business days (of your PO) if we do not have enough components to complete your order.  That way you can let us know if you wish to revise the PO, or order in more packaging.


All necessary supplies (labels, packaging, boxes) must be sent to Pure Anada prior to production. If the supplies are not in our facility in time for your scheduled production date, your order will need to be put back in queue (so as not to delay the scheduled production of other brands). The challenge (on our part) is that we aren't able to "drop everything" to produce an order when delayed packaging arrives.  By this time, we are already working on the next thing. ​


We suggest to avoid setting launch dates until your product is in production.  As the factory, we aren't able to make up for all the previous delays that were out of our hands.  Or if definitive launch dates are set, we recommend planning at least a year in advance. 


If time is of the essence, we now offer the option to split your production into two runs for a service fee of $200 per shade.  See our POLICIES for more details. 



© Proliferate 

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